Back to the Basics

Yesterday I rejoined WW.  I can't attend meetings because I'm pregnant, but I can do the online program (shhhh...don't tell the WW-powers-that-be that I lied to them when it asked if I was pregnant!).  I did say I was nursing full time.  That means I get 64 points.  That is a LOT of points.  I should be able to keep myself and baby fully nourished on that. 

My sister rejoined on Sunday which motivated me to rejoin yesterday.  I had already made a bad choice for breakfast.  Then yesterday afternoon I went home sick and so had to have Andy bring home dinner.  I had him get me chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese.  Little did I know it was actually "chicken and dumpling" soup so instead of being a low point option it was actually quite high.  Then before bed I realized that I had eaten two birthday cookies earlier in the day that I had not journaled.  But, I went back and journaled ALL of it and even though I went over my points, it felt good to at least take ownership for it.

I've journaled my breakfast this morning and am planning to keep on journaling all day.  This tool will be a great way to help me stay honest with myself over the holidays.


What  difference 50 pounds makes.  I remember at so many points in my life when I used to have the “all or nothing” attitude.  Thinking that if I couldn’t lose the 200 pounds I needed to lose I might as well lose none.  Because what good would 50 pounds do me?

As I lost weight I realized the error of my ways.  As I’ve regained I have REALLY realized how wrong I was.  Sitting at 320 I’m about 50 pounds up from the 270 I maintained for many months on end.  And I am amazed at how much of a difference these additional 50 pounds have made.  From the ‘bloat’ in my face (sure, some of that is probably pregnancy but the majority is added weight) to the sore feet.

This weekend I went shopping and was on my feet for many hours.  My body hurt so bad at the end of that.  My back, the bottoms of my feet, my legs, my ankles…everything hurt.  I remember on the way down the scale going shopping for several hours and realizing how much easier it was.  Now that I’ve packed on these 50 pounds I am sooo uncomfortable when I have to do something physical for several hours.  I also notice it when I climb the stairs at the house.  When we bought our house I really did not think having my master upstairs was a big deal but now?  I hate it.

Just as 50 pounds matters on the way up…”Just” or “Only” 50 pounds will matter on the way down.  That is one thing I’d really like to remember when this pregnancy is done.  I don’t have to get “skinny” or get to “goal”…but taking some of this weight off will help my quality of life immensely.