Throughout my entries in this blog, I've mentioned my friend Michelle numerous times We've been friends for about eight years... we originally met on a weight loss support message board, then met in person about two years after that. When we first met I was living in Oklahoma and she was living in Michigan. Then I moved to Michigan for a period of time. And now she's in New York, and I'm in Nebraska! We've been through a lot together - our friendship was originally based on weight struggles, but grew into so much more over time.
Anyhow, together, we have launched a new website, called Sangria Sisters. It's foundation is "celebrating family, friends, and health" and we plan to do just that. It'll chronicle the two of us on the path to better wellbeing (for ourselves and our families) while using different tools (Michelle's had gastric bypass surgery and I am using Weight Watchers) with the premise that no tool will fix weight problems without serious work on emotional/mental issues impacting one's relationship with food.
So, without further delay, check out these pages!
-Welcome letter from me and Michelle
And of course there are already many other posts up with our recipes, daily thoughts, and more.
On the right sidebar of our new site there is a "subscribe via email" feature. You will need to enter your email address in and confirm it. Even if we post several times in one day, you will only receive one email.
I will not be blogging over here any longer as I'll be posting all of my updates over there going forward.
I really hope you'll join me over there (all 5 of you followers!). :) :) Have a great day!
January 1, 2019: 187 Pounds... and a Plan
6 years ago