We all have a shallow reason or two don’t we….

So, the main reason I’m going on this journey is to get healthy. I think the best side effect of me getting healthy is that I’ll be taking my husband and daughter along for the ride. I’d say that if you combine my desire to get healthy with my desire to be more physically able to do things, you’d account for 95% of my motivation for losing weight.

However…there’s that other 5%. That “shallow” 5 percent. For a lot of women, that would be clothes. Honestly, clothes have just never been my thing. As long as I have a nice pair of tennis shoes, a comfy pair of black flats, a comfy pair of brown leather casual shoes and a nice pair of sandals…I’m a happy lady. No fashionable shoes for me, has simply never been my thing. I buy clothes for comfort and rarely even notice what other people are wearing. That’s not to say that I dress sloppy…I do take the time to look nice. I just don’t have any huge desire to wear ‘cute’ clothes driving my desire to lose weight. For some women, the shallow desire is to be noticed by men. Honestly, as long as my husband notices me…I’m happy. Never been all that comfortable with anybody noticing me anyways!

I do have one big one though. When I get pregnant again I WANT TO LOOK PREGNANT! I have always LOVED pregnant bellies. I think they are just so amazing…the fact that hiding just below the surface is a brand new life, a brand new soul…it just astounds me. I am one of those people who really loved Demi Moore’s photo. I like when women wear clothing that shows off their round bellies. I can’t look at a pregnant lady and not smile. I hate it when pregnant women refer to themselves as “fat”. Is there anything more amazing than the miracle of life? I wish we could all just embrace it.

When I was pregnant with S, I never really showed. The people who know me really well said that they could tell…but to the average person on the street (or at work) there was no way to tell if I was pregnant or if I just carried my fat out front. I never lost my belly roll…my stomach never got that ‘rounded out’ look. It really bummed me out. I never got the “when are you due??” questions unless I fished for them. When I was on work trips and we’d be taking plant tours no one knew that part of the reason I was getting worn out from all the standing was because I was 6 months pregnant. I really really wanted to wear a sign that said “I’m Pregnant” all the time.

So anyways, when I walk around my office building and see the beautiful pregnant women (I work with a lot of young people so there are always a few pregnant ladies around) I find myself thinking…next time that will be me! I know that even if I could get down into the 200’s there’d be a better chance of me getting that round belly. Can’t wait!


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